Project Overview
The Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Partnership (Partnership) is a collaboration between local citizens, cities, counties, and state and federal agencies. The purpose of the Partnership is to implement the Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) for the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed. The 2008 Texas Water Quality Inventory and Texas 303(d) List identified Geronimo Creek as impaired for contact recreation because the geometric mean for E. coli bacteria (162 organisms per 100 milliliters) exceeded the contact recreation stream standard of 126 organisms per 100 milliliters established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. In addition, Geronimo Creek was listed as a concern due to elevated nitrate-nitrogen concentrations because all 60 measurements exceeded the screening level of 1.95 mg/L established by the TCEQ.
Anyone can be a member of the Partnership and participate in the project. Contact the project staff to receive email updates on upcoming meetings or project activities.
The Steering Committee is the decision-making body for the Partnership. The Steering Committee was developed to be representative of all the major interests in the watershed. Three work groups designated by the Steering Committee addressed specific issues, identified and made recommendations on implementation strategies, and supported development of the WPP. The three work groups were the Urban Nonpoint Source Work Group, Agricultural Nonpoint Source Work Group, and the Wastewater Work Group. A Technical Advisory Group composed of personnel from key state and federal water quality agencies provided support and guidance.
Through a federal Clean Water Act §319(h) grant from the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) and the Texas AgriLife Extension Service facilitated the stakeholder process for development of the Geronimo and Alligator Creeks Watershed Protection Plan.
Watershed planning was driven by local stakeholders and included the following key tasks: 1) identified desired water quality conditions and measurable goals, 2) prioritized appropriate management practices and needed education and awareness programs to achieve those goals, 3) assisted in the development of the WPP document, 4) lead implementation of the plan at the local level, and 5) communicate implications of the WPP to other interested constituents within the watershed.
